Framer AI


Revolutionize web design with Framer AI's no-code, AI-powered platform, transforming text inputs into fully functional websites effortlessly.

Added on November 17, 2023

Free Trial

Paid plans start from $5/mo


As a designer with a decade of experience, I've witnessed the evolution of design tools, each bringing its unique flair to the creative process. Today, I'm excited to delve into Framer AI, a tool that's been generating buzz in the design community.

What is Framer AI?

Framer AI is an innovative tool in the realm of web design, leveraging artificial intelligence to revolutionize the process of creating websites. It stands out as a no-code web design tool, enabling users to generate websites simply by inputting text. This approach is akin to conversational AI systems like ChatGPT, where you provide a prompt, and the AI works its magic to bring your ideas to life in the form of a fully functional website.

How to Use Framer AI

Creating a website with Framer AI is a user-friendly process, accommodating both beginners and those with pre-existing websites. Here's a comprehensive guide:

Starting Your Website

  • Prompt-Based Creation: Begin by providing a prompt to Framer AI, detailing the type of website you envision, your target audience, and any specific design preferences. Framer AI uses this information to generate an initial website design.
Prompt-Based Creation Website In Framer AI
  • HTML to Framer for Existing Websites: If you already have a website, the HTML to Framer Chrome extension allows you to seamlessly import existing web elements into Framer. This is particularly useful for updating and enhancing current websites.
HTML to Framer for Existing Websites In Framer AI

Customizing and Enhancing Your Website

  • Design Customization: Once you have a base design, you can tailor it to your needs. This includes modifying color schemes, fonts, and other design elements, with an intuitive interface guiding you through the process.
  • Content and Visuals: Personalize your website by adding text, images, and animations. This step is crucial for creating a unique and engaging online presence.
  • Animations and User Experience: Incorporate animations and effects to elevate the user experience, making your website more dynamic and interactive.
Customizing and Enhancing Your Website In Framer AI

Publishing Your Website

  • Go Live: After finalizing the design and content, you're ready to publish your website. Framer AI provides the option to host your site on a domain at no cost. This feature offers a straightforward and efficient way to make your website publicly accessible, completing your web design journey.
Publishing Your Website In Framer AI

In conclusion, Framer AI simplifies the website creation process, making it accessible to a wide range of users. From initial concept to final publication, it offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features to create, customize, and launch professional-quality websites with ease.

Is Framer AI Free to Use?

Framer AI offers a range of pricing options to cater to different user needs, including a free version. Here's a breakdown of the available plans:

Framer AI Price Plan
  • Free Plan: This plan is available at no cost and is ideal for hobby sites. It includes hosting on a Framer domain and features a Framer banner on the site. This plan is perfect for individuals who are just starting out or experimenting with web design.
  • Paid Plans: For users requiring more advanced features, Framer AI offers several paid plans:
  • Mini Plan: Priced at $5 per site per month, this plan is suitable for simple sites and includes a custom domain, home and 404 pages, and supports up to 1,000 visitors per month.
  • Basic Plan: At $15 per site per month, this plan is designed for personal sites. It offers up to 150 pages, password protection, one CMS collection, a 10-page search limit, and supports up to 10,000 visitors per month.
  • Pro Plan: For $30 per site per month, this plan caters to larger sites. It includes unlimited pages, analytics and cookies, a staging environment, ten CMS collections, a 300-page search limit, and supports up to 200,000 visitors per month.
  • Enterprise Plan: This custom plan is tailored for enterprise sites, offering enterprise security, custom hosting, an uptime guarantee, dedicated infrastructure, launch support, SSO for sites, and custom limits.

Additionally, Framer AI provides add-ons for powerful upgrades, especially for the Pro site plan, including single sign-on, increased bandwidth, large CMS upgrade, localization upgrade, custom proxy setup, accelerated hosting, and unlimited search.

In summary, Framer AI is accessible with a free version for basic use, while offering a range of paid plans for more advanced features and larger scale projects. This pricing structure makes it a versatile tool for a wide array of users, from hobbyists to large enterprises.

What are the Pros and Cons of Framer AI


  1. Ease of Learning: Framer is user-friendly and easy to learn, especially for those familiar with Figma. It offers a range of tutorial videos to guide users through its features.
  2. Integration with Figma: Users can effortlessly import their Figma designs into Framer, making it convenient for those who have pre-existing designs in Figma.
  3. Free Positioning Design Feature: This unique feature provides greater design freedom, breaking away from the traditional box design model.
  4. CMS Support: Although not as extensive as some competitors, Framer does offer CMS support, which is beneficial for managing content.
  5. Custom Domains and Secure Publishing: Framer allows for custom domains (with a fee) and offers secure, hassle-free publishing options.


  1. Limited CMS Capabilities: Compared to platforms like Webflow or Bubble, Framer's CMS features are not as robust.
  2. Designing Limitations: Some users find designing directly in Framer less seamless than using tools like Figma or XD. Importing from Figma is advised, but this process has limitations.
  3. Export-Import Bugs: Certain design elements, like glass-morphed layers in Figma, may not import correctly into Framer, leading to loss of effects.
  4. Limited Tutorial Resources: As a relatively new tool, Framer lacks extensive tutorial resources compared to more established platforms.
  5. Comparison with Webflow: While Framer is easier and faster for simple websites, Webflow still leads in advanced functionalities for complex sites. Framer's designs can sometimes appear formulaic, and the color palettes and generated images may not always align with the website's theme.

In summary, Framer AI stands out for its ease of use, especially for those transitioning from Figma, and its unique design features. However, it faces limitations in CMS capabilities and design flexibility compared to more established platforms like Webflow. Despite these cons, its user-friendly nature and innovative features make it a strong contender in the no-code website building space.

Who is Framer AI Best Suited For?

Framer AI is particularly beneficial for several groups:

  1. Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners: This group often lacks the time and technical skills for detailed web design. Framer AI offers them a quick, intuitive way to create professional websites, which is crucial for establishing an online presence without the need for deep technical knowledge.
  2. Freelancers and Independent Creatives: For freelancers such as artists, writers, and consultants, Framer AI is an excellent tool for showcasing portfolios or services. It allows them to create visually appealing websites easily, helping them attract clients and showcase their work effectively.
  3. Web Design Beginners: Those new to web design will find Framer AI a user-friendly and approachable tool. It provides an easy entry point into the world of web design, allowing beginners to create functional and aesthetically pleasing websites without the overwhelming complexities often associated with web development.

In essence, Framer AI serves as a versatile tool, accommodating the needs of users ranging from business professionals to creative individuals and beginners in web design, all looking to create impactful online presences with ease and efficiency.

Alternative AI Tools for Website Design

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